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外贸英语综合教程 本书共分10章,内容包括国际贸易简介、国际商务信函、外贸术语、进出口贸易流程、国际商务谈判、国际商务合同签署、国际支付、国际货物运输、保险、商检、索赔、不可抗力与仲裁等。 本书既可作为大学英语拓展课程中外贸英语课程的教材,也可作为商务英语专业及国际贸易专业的教材,还可作为国际贸易工作者的自学用书。
作者:赖艳、左艳茹 编辑:王抗战0/金晶 ISBN:978-7-305-16048-6
出版时间:201512 字数:356 定价:36.00
开本:16开 页数:228 装订:平装
版次:1 CIP分类号:H31  




本书共分10章,内容包括国际贸易简介、国际商务信函、外贸术语、进出口贸易流程、国际商务谈判、国际商务合同签署、国际支付、国际货物运输、保险、商检、索赔、不可抗力与仲裁等。 本书既可作为大学英语拓展课程中外贸英语课程的教材,也可作为商务英语专业及国际贸易专业的教材,还可作为国际贸易工作者的自学用书。


Chapter One Introduction to International Trade ??????1
1.1 A Brief History of International Trade 国际贸易历史简介   1
1.2 Reasons for International Trade 国际贸易产生的原因  2
1.3 Categories of International Trade 国际贸易的分类   2
1.3.1 Import, Export and Transit Trade 进口贸易,出口贸易和过境贸易   3
1.3.2 Direct, Indirect and Entrepot Trade 直接贸易,间接贸易和转口贸易   3
1.3.3 Visible Trade and Invisible Trade 有形贸易和无形贸易   4
1.3.4 Barter Trade and Free-liquidation Trade 易货贸易和自由结汇贸易  4
1.4 The Difficulties in International Trade 国际贸易存在的问题   5
1.5 Benefits of International Trade 国际贸易的利益   6
1.6 E-commerce and International Trade 电子商务与国际贸易   6
1.6.1 Development of E-commerce 电子商务的发展   6
1.6.2 Types of E-commerce 电子商务的分类   6
Chapter Two Business Correspondence in International Trade  ????11
2.1 Elements of Business Letters 商业信函的构成   11
2.1.1 Letter Head/Heading 信头   12
2.1.2 Reference Number 参考案号,信函编号   14
2.1.3 Date line/Date 日期  14
2.1.4 Inside Address 封内地址   15
2.1.5 Attention Line 具体经办人,注意项   15
2.1.6 Subject Line 主题行,事由   16
2.1.7 Salutation 称呼   16
2.1.8 Body of a Letter 信函主体   16
2.1.9 Complimentary Close 结尾敬语  17
2.1.10 Signature 签名   17
2.1.11 Reference Notation 经办人代号   18
2.1.12 Enclosure 附件   18
2.1.13 Carbon Copy/CC 抄送   18
2.1.14 Postscript 附言  18
2.2 Envelope Addressing 信封的写法  19
2.3 Business Letter Format 商业信函格式  20
2.4 Business E-mail Writing 商业电子邮件写作24
2.5 7 Cs Principles in Business Letters 商业信函的7C原则  26
Chapter Three International Trade Terms ??30
3.1 International Conventions Related to Trade Terms 与贸易术语相关的国际惯例  30
3.1.1 Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 《1932年华沙-牛津规则》30
3.1.2 The Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1990
3.1.3 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms-Incoterms
《国际贸易术语解释通则》  31
3.2 Interpretation of Trade Terms in INCOTERMS 2010
《国际贸易术语解释通则2010》对贸易术语的解释  33
3.2.1 Group E-Departure E组-离厂  33
3.2.2 Group F-Main Carriage UnPaid (by Seller) F组-主运费(卖方)未付 34
3.2.3 Group C-Main Carriage Paid (By Seller) C组-主运费(卖方)已付  35
3.2.4 Group D-Arrival D组-货物到达  37
3.3 Considerations for Using the Incoterms 2010 rules
使用《国际贸易术语解释通则2010》的注意事项  40
3.4 Trade Terms and the Price Clause in Sales Contracts
销售合同中的贸易术语及价格条款  41
Chapter Four General Procedures of International Trade ??45
4.1 Preparation for Transaction 贸易前的准备 45
4.1.1 Market Research 市场调查 45
4.1.2 Establishment of Business Relations 建立贸易关系46
4.2 Process of Business Negotiation 商业谈判  
4.3 Conclusion of Sales Contract 签订销售合同  47
4.4 Performance of Sales Contract 履行合同  47
4.4.1 The Seller s Performance of Sales Contract 卖方履行合同   48
4.4.2 The Buyer s Performance of Sales Contract 买方履行合同   49
4.4.3 Settlement of Disputes(if any) 解决争议(如需要)  50
4.5 Documentation in International Trade 国际贸易单证  52
4.5.1 Documents in Preparation for Business Negotiation 商业谈判前单证准备   52
4.5.2 Documents Involved in Goods Preparation 备货时的相关单证  53
4.5.3 Documents Related to Booking Shipping Space or Chartering
租订船只的相关单证   53
4.5.4 Documents after Shipment 装运后的单证   54
4.5.5 Insurance Policy 保险单,保单   54
4.5.6 Main Documents for Bank Negotiation 银行议付所需单证   54
Chapter Five Business Negotiation in International Trade  ??57
5.1 Establishing Business Relations 建立贸易关系  57
5.1.1 Ways of Choosing Foreign Target Markets and Potential Customers
选择海外目标市场 和潜在客户   57
5.1.2 Establishing Business Relations 建立贸易关系   58
5.2 Inquiry/Enquiry 询盘,询价   59
5.2.1 Categories of Inquiry 询盘分类   59
5.2.2 Response to an Inquiry Letter 询盘函的回复   60
5.3 Offer 报盘,报价  60
5.3.1 Firm Offer/Definite Offer 实盘   61
5.3.2 Non-firm Offer/Indefinite Offer 虚盘   62
5.3.3 Writing Offer Letters 报盘信函写作   63
5.3.4 A Special Offer: Proforma Invoice 形式发票:一种特殊报盘   63
5.3.5 Differences of Offer, Quotation, and Bid 报盘、报价和递盘的区别   64
5.4 Counter Offer 还盘,还价   65
5.5 Counter-counter Offer 再还盘,再还价   65
5.6 Acceptance 接受   66
Chapter Six Conclusion of International Trade Contract  ??77
6.1 Order 订单   77
6.1.1 Categories of Orders 订单分类   77
6.1.2 Writing Order Letters 订单信函写作  78
6.2 Confirmation 确认书   78
6.3 Business Contract 商业合同  79
6.3.1 Categories of Business Contract 商业合同的分类  79
6.3.2 Components and Language Features of Business Contract
商业合同的构成及语言特点   80
6.3.3 Principles for Implementation of Business Contracts 商业合同的履行原则  81
6.3.4 Amendment and Termination of Business Contracts 商业合同的更改和终止   82
Chapter Seven International Payment  ????????92
7.1 Instruments of International Payment 国际支付工具   92
7.1.1 Drafts 汇票   92
7.1.2 Promissory Note 本票  95
7.1.3 Check/Cheque 支票  96
7.2 Methods of International Payment 国际支付方式   97
7.2.1 Remittance汇付   97
7.2.2 Collection 托收   100
7.2.3 Letter of Credit (L/C) 信用证   103
Chapter Eight International Cargo Transportation  ????125
8.1 Modes of Transportation 运输方式   125
8.1.1 Ocean Transportation 海洋运输   125
8.1.2 Other Modes of Transportation 其它运输方式   127
8.2 Transportation Documents 运输单据   129
8.2.1 Major Shipping Documents 主要海运单据   129
8.2.2 Other Transportation Documents 其它运输单据   135
8.3 Clauses of Shipment 装运条款   136
8.3.1 Packing and Marking 包装与唛头   137
8.3.2 Time of Shipment and Time of Delivery 装运时间与交货时间   139
8.3.3 Port of Shipment and Port of Destination 装运港与目的港   140
8.3.4 Partial Shipment and Transshipment 分批装运与转船   140
8.3.5 Shipping Instruction and Shipping Advice 装运指示与装运通知   141
Chapter Nine Insurance  ????151
9.1 Parties Involved in Cargo Insurance 保险当事方   151
9.2 Fundamental Principles of Insurance 保险的基本原则   152
9.3 Risks, Losses and Expenses in Ocean Marine Cargo Insurance
海运中的风险、损失和费用   153
9.3.1 Risks 风险   153
9.3.2 Losses 损失   154
9.3.3 Expenses费用  155
9.4 Marine Insurance Coverage under C.I.C 中国保险条款规定的海运险别   155
9.4.1 Basic Risks Coverage 基本险别  156
9.4.2 Additional Risks Coverage 附加险别   156
9.5 Other Types of Cargo Insurance 其它货运险   157
9.6 Procedures of Cargo Insurance Arrangment 办理保险的程序  157
9.7 Insurance Clause in Sales Contracts 销售合同中的保险条款   160
Chapter Ten Commodity Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration  ??170
10.1 Commodity Inspection 商品检验,商检  170
10.1.1 Inspection Time and Place 商检时间和地点  170
10.1.2 Inspection Authorities 商检机构  171
10.1.3 Major Inspection Certificates主要商检证书   172
10.1.4 Inspection Clause in the Sales Contract 销售合同中的商检条款   172
10.2 Complaints and Claims 投诉和索赔   173
10.2 Force Majeure 不可抗力   174
10.2.1 Consequences of Force Majeure 不可抗力的后果  174
10.2.2 Stipulations of Force Majeure Clause in Contracts合同中的不可抗力条款  175
10.3 Arbitration 仲裁  175
10.3.1 The Definition of Arbitration 仲裁定义  176
10.3.2 Features of the Arbitration 仲裁特征  176
10.3.3 Arbitration Procedures 仲裁程序  176
10.3.4 Arbitration Costs 仲裁费用  177
10.3.5 Advantages of Arbitration Comparing with Litigation 仲裁相对于诉讼的优势 178
10.3.6 Arbitration Clause in Sales Contract 销售合同中的仲裁条款  178
Appendix 1 Export Licence  ??185
Appendix 2 Import Licence  186
Appendix 3 Proforma Invoice ?? 187
Appendix 4 Commercial Invoice  189
Appendix 5 Packing List  ????190
Appendix 6 Certificate of Inspection   ??191
Appendix 7 Shipping Order 192
Appendix 8 Customs Declaration Form ????193
Appendix 9 Shipping Advice ????194
Appendix 10 Bill of Lading ??195
Appendix 11 Insurance Policy ??196
Appendix 12 Draft (Bill of Exchange) ????198
Appendix 13 Certificate of Origin ??199
Appendix 14 Purchase Order ????200
Appendix 15 Sales Confirmation ????201
Appendix 16 Sales Contract ??????202
Appendix 17 Letter of Credit ??206
Appendix 18 Booking Note ??208
Appendix 19 Mate s Receipt ??209
Appendix 20 Application Form for Cargo Transportation Insurance ????210